Sunday, September 28, 2008

Division by zero

I just ran across a very interesting explanation of a mathematical concept that I had, up until now, just taken for granted: division by zero.  Math teachers always explain it by saying "you can't do it, so don't."  Although that is quite practical, it doesn't fulfil the human need for explanation and knowledge.  I won't go in to it, I'll let you look at the website, but essentially, we can't divide things by zero because, if we did, it would create contradictions within our number system and said system would fall apart under the crushing weight of all these contradictions ("all integers are equal").
This is cool because it is fundamental to our number system and such a simple thing has such huge implications.  So go ahead, make yourself feel important and part of something bigger and go type in x/0 into a calculator (where x= anything).

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